
1349 - 1300 B.C.


Family information unknown



Population: Perhaps 50 million*
  • Deaths: Ahmose I (1335 BC), Tutahkhamun (1339 BC), Harmhab of Egypt (1315 BC), Ramses I (1313 BC)


  • General: Egyptian - Hittite wars begin to 1288 (1305 BC)
  • Egypt: Rule of King Tutankhaman (1347 BC)
    King Tut dies (1339 BC)
    Death of Ahmose I (1335 BC)
    Burial of King Tutankhamun (1323 BC)
    Ramses I founds 19th Dynasty in Egypt (1319 BC)
    Death of Harmhab of Egypt and Ramses I becomes king (1315 BC)
    Seti I starts to reconquer Egyptian lands in Palestine and Syria (1313 BC)
    Death of Ramses I (1313 BC)
    Accession or birth of Ramses the Great (II) (1304 BC)
    Oppression of Israelites (1300 BC)
    End of Egypt's "building" era (1300 BC)
    Temple of Karnak built (1300 BC)


  • Crete: Decline of Minoan civilization (1300 BC)

Middle East

  • General: Construction of great rock temples of Abu Simbel (1300 BC)
  • Ammon: Kingdom of Ammon in existence east of Israel (1300 BC)
  • Palestine: Earthquake (Jericho?) (1300 BC)
  • Persia: Medes and Persians move into Iran (1300 BC)
  • Phoenicia: Sidon becomes great Phoenician port (1300 BC)
  • Troy: Troy destroyed (1300 BC)


  • General: First settlers arrive in Fiji, Tonga, and Samoa