971 BC
Aramaeans invade Babylon
970 BC
Solomon begins rule in Israel, Solomon begins to reign
965 BC
Height of Solomon's rule
960 BC
Approximate death of David in Israel
950 BC
Solomon builds temple in Jerusalem, poppies first grown in Egypt
945 BC
End of reign of pharaohs of north, 21st Dynasty ends
935 BC
Death of Solomon, Kingdom split, Jeroboam becomes King of Israel, Jereboam becomes king of Israel
934 BC
Assyrian monarchy under Ashur-dan II
930 BC
Shishak invades Israel from Egypt
928 BC
Rebellion against Rehoboam, Israel divided
925 BC
Approximate death date of Solomon of Israel
924 BC
Shoshenq I of Egypt ravages Israel and Judah
917 BC
End of reign of Rehoboam I of Judah
911 BC
Reign of Adad-Nirari marks Assyrian supremacy
907 BC
End of Jeroboam I of Israel
900 BC
Assyrians challenge Semites for power, Olympics, Foundation of Sparta, city-states established in Ionia and Aeolia, Nomadism dominantin Eurasia, First states in Ganges, Possible birth of Homer, Nok people of Nigeria, W Africa sculpt, Kushites in Sudan establish capital at Napata, trade begins to revive in Mediterranean, state of Sparta in S Greece founded by Dorians from north, peoples at Hallstart in Austria mine salt, iron in use, Geometric art begins to appear in Greece, Peru's Paracas peninsula becomes religious center, Chavin culture focuses around Chavin de Huantar in Peruvian Andes

891 BC
End of reign of Adad-Nirari of Assyria
885 BC
Omri establishes Samarian capital for Israel , Omri establishes a line of kings in Samaria
883 BC
Assurnasirpal II rules Assyria
879 BC
Samaria rebuilt as Israeli stronghold
878 BC
King Li ascends to China's throne - Tyrant , King Li of China achieves throne
859 BC
End of Assurnasirpal II of Assyria - start Shalmaneser III
854 BC
Shalmaneser III of the Assyrians marches on Ahab, Ahab stops him, Assyrians defeat Levantine states at Qarqar, Shalmaneser III of Assyria marches against Ahab and Jezebel, but stopped by the Hebrew-Syrian forces
853 BC
Babylon dependent on Assyrian military, Battle of Qarqaar - Assyrian King Shalmaneser III defeated by King Ahab of Israel and Hadad-ezer of Damascus
852 BC
Israel and Damascus war, Death of Ahab of Israel
850 BC
Elijah and Elisha defend Jewish faith against Levantine beliefs, Chavin de Hu�ntar is founded in Mesoamerica, Medes migrate into Iranfromcentral Asia, Possible death of Homer, Andes mountains holds Chavin civilization and their temple at Chavin de Huantar where Peruvians pilgrimage to worship the Smiling God
842 BC
Jehu caves to Assyria, Shalmaneser III of Assyria returns to Palestine
841 BC
Israel begins tribute to Assyria, start of verified Chinese chronology
835 BC
Shalmaneser III of Assyria is given tribute by Medes and Persians, Medes and Persians appear in history as paying tribute to Shalmaneser III
828 BC
Egypt is split into 5 separate kingdoms
824 BC
Ens Shalmaneser III of Assyria
814 BC
Foundation of Phoenician colony of Carthage in Tunisia
811 BC
Queen Samuramat of Assyria- legendary queen of Semiramis begins reign,
810 BC
Phoenicians establish Carthage
807 BC
End of reign of Queen Samuramat of Asssyria
801 BC
King Joash of Israel rules
800 BC
Approximate beginning of Jainism, Begin of the Imperial Assyrian period, Rise of Hellenic Civilization (end of the Dorian), 800s - Homer writes Iliad and Oddessey, Romans, Greeks and Etruscans enter Italy, End of Greek "Dark Ages" Begin Greek city-states, Towns in China increase, Foundationof Corinth, Sparta conquers Laconia, Zapotec heiroglyphics begin in Mesoamerica, Lake Titicaca architectural styles begin, Aryans expand into southern India, Etruscan civilization in Italy Hindu Upanishads begin to be composed, Olmec carvings show early reverence of the jaguar, cereal production in Ethiopia increases, Etruscans begin to set up city-states in W central Italy, start of Egypt's 23rd Dynasty

787 BC
End of King Joash of Israel
785 BC
Jereboam II rules Israel , Jeroboam II comes to power in Israel
784 BC
Jereboam II rules in Israel
776 BC
First Olympic Games in Greece
775 BC
Solar eclips first verified Chinese date
771 BC
Chinese emperor Yu died, marking decline of Chou (Zhou) dynasty , Chinese king Yu dies, Chinese dynasty in decline, Zhou capital moved east towards Luoyang (770)
770 BC
Zhou capital of China moved from Hao to Luoyang, decline of royal authority, Kushite rulers in Sudan lead armies against Egypt
763 BC
Eclipse marks start of Assyrian calendar
753 BC
Traditional founding date of Rome , Founding of Rome by Romulus on Tiber river in Italy
750 BC
End of first Zhou dynasty, begin late Zhou dynasty, Etruscans begin rule in Rome, Nomadism in Eurasian steppes, Ironwork introduced into Egypt, Sparta finally conquers Laconia, Homer composes Ilian and Odyssey, Greek alphabet developed, Persians migrate into S Iran from central Asia, Celtic Hallstatts emerge north of the Alps
746 BC
Tiglath Pileser III reigns in Assyria, restoring its honor , Tiglath Pileser III comes to power in Israel/Assyria
745 BC
Death of Jereboam II of Israel , End of Jeroboam II, end of Egyptian 22nd Dynasty
735 BC
Isaiah warns against Assyrian rule, Greeks found colony at Syracuse, Sicily
734 BC
Babylon captured by Chaldeans
730 BC
End of Egypt's 23rd Dynasty
729 BC
Babylon occupied by Assyrians
728 BC
Tiglath Pileser III dies (Israel/Assyria), Shalmaneser V comes to power, Death of Tiglath Pileser III of Assyria, Shalmaneser V rules
727 BC
Assyria has subjugated Syria and Philistia
725 BC
Kush invades and conquers Egypt, becomes 25th dynasty
723 BC
Shalmaneser V of Assyria carries many Israelites captive , Shalmaneser V or Israel/Assyria captures Samaria
722 BC
Shalmaneser V of Assyria dies, Sargon II rules, Shalmaneser V dies, Sargon II comes to power, North Israel and Samaria wiped out by Assyria
721 BC
Israel conquered completely (720) by Sargon, Reign of Sargon II of Assyria begins
720 BC
Israel destroyed and conquered
715 BC
Numa Pompilius starts reign as second king of Rome - increases months of Rome's calendar
712 BC
Nubian 25th Dynasty reunites Egypt from Kush
705 BC
Sargon of Assyria dies, Sennacherib rules , Sargon II dies Sennacherib his son comes to power in Assyria
704 BC
End of reign of Sargon II of Assyria, Sennacherib rules Assyria
701 BC
Sargon's son Sennacherib approaches Jerusalem with rams , Sennacherib of Assyria trounces Israel, Isaiah prophesies
700 BC
Coined money introduced to Greece , Mound Builder culture in America, Height of Assyrian empire, Iron widespread in Europe, beginning of Hallstatt(Celtic) Iron age, phlanx military formation developed, Adena culture builds mounds in N America, Greek states flourish, Celts migrate into Iberian peninsula, assimilating native Iberians, Iron work in central Sahara, Kushites worship lion god Apedemak, Iron tools and weapons made in Egypt, Olmecs abandon San Lorenzo, End of Bronze Age in Scotland

699 BC
Lydian coined money introduced into Greece, Manasseh reigns in Judah
689 BC
Babylon sacked for rebelling against Assyria, Sennacherib invades Babylonia and sacks Babylon
683 BC
End of Athenian monarchy
681 BC
Sennacherib of Assyria dies, Esarhaddon reigns , Sennacherib dies, son Esarhaddon comes to power, Death of Sennacherib of Assyria
675 BC
Assyria attacks Egypt
673 BC
Assyria conquers Egypt
672 BC
End of Reign of Numa Pompilius of Rome
671 BC
End of Nubian 25th Dynasty as Assyrians conquer Egypt under Esarhaddon, Egypt overrun by Mesopotamians
668 BC
Esarhaddon of Assyria dies, son Ashurbanipal reigns , Esarhaddon dies, Ashurbanipal his son marches to Nile Delta
663 BC
Psamtek rules Egypt in 26th dynasty , Egypt's 26th Dynasty begins
660 BC
Founding of Byzantium by Greeks
657 BC
Corinth ruled by tyrrany
651 BC
End of Assyrian rule of Egypt
650 BC
Written law created in Greece, Greeks found colony of Cyrene in N Africa
642 BC
Thales of Miletus the Greek philosopher born
640 BC
Solon, Greek lawgiver serves as Athenian statesman, Macedon kingdom formed, Persia becomes vassal state of Media
639 BC
Death of King Manasseh of Judah - start reign of Josiah
630 BC
Zoroaster born in Persia
626 BC
Ashurbanipal of Assyria dies, Chaldean dynasty begins when Nebuchadnezzar's father revolts against Assyrians , Ashurbanipal dies, Chaldeans begin dynasty when they revolt from the Assyrians, Nebuchadnezzar's father becomes king Nabopolassar of Babylon rebels against Assyria
625 BC
Draco codifies Athenian law , Greek law codified by Draco, Babylon re-emerges as major power
616 BC
End of the Assyrian Empire, Reign of Tarquinis Priscus of the Etruscans begins in Rome
612 BC
Collapse of Assyria, Medes and Persians (and Babylonians) crush Assyria and Nineveh , Assyria collapses, Nineveh destroyed by Babylonians, Nineveh falls, end of Assyrian empire, Time of Sappho of Lesbos begins, Assyrian capital of Nineveh sacked by Babylonians and Medes, Assyrian capital of Nineveh sacked by Babylonians and Medes,
611 BC
Anaximander of Miletus (philosopher) born
609 BC
End of Egypt's 26th dynasty , Egypt's 26th Dynasty ends, Judah under Egyptian
608 BC
End of reign of Josiah King of Judah
605 BC
Babylonians defeat Egyptians at Carchemish, Nebuchadnezzar II becomes king of Babylonia
604 BC
Lao Tse born, Reign of Nebuchadnezzar begins
600 BC
End of the Imperial Assyrian period, Rise of Greece, Zoroastrianism main religion of Persia, pre-Socratic philosophers begin, Writings of Thales of Miletus, Iron replaces Bronze in Britain, Lehi and family leave Jerusalem for New World, Book of Job written down, Chine use iron, Coinage adopted by Greece, Iron in W Africa, Greek culture height, Nok people of Nigeria begin to mine iron, Carthaginians explore N Africa by sea, possible circumnavigation of Africa, Oaxaca culture grows stronger than Olmecs in Mexico

597 BC
Deportation of Jews to Babylon begins as Babylonian king captures Jerusalem
594 BC
Solon reforms Athenian constitution
590 BC
Nubian capital established at Meroe, Solon the chief magistrate in Greece establishes laws barring enslavement of debtors
586 BC
Hebrews fall to Nebuchadnezzar II, Judah carried captive into Babylon, exile period begins, Judah falls to Nebuchadnessar of Babylon Nebuchandezzar II conquers Judah and takes captives
585 BC
Prophet Jeremiah flees to Egpt
582 BC
Pythagoreas born
581 BC
Nebuchadnezzar II burns Jerusalem
580 BC
Sappho of Lesbos dies, School of philosophy develops in Ionia
578 BC
Death of Tarquinis Priscus the Etruscan king, reign of Servius Tullius in Rome (penultimate king) walls started
569 BC
Amasis II of Egypt opens trade with Greece
563 BC
Siddartha Gautama (Buddha) born (560)
562 BC
End of reign of Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuchadnezzar dies, Babylon declines
561 BC
Croesus King of Lydia begins to rule
560 BC
Solon the Athenian statesman dies, rule of tyrants in Athens, Sparta becomes leading Greek power, Siddartha Gautama (Buddha) born
559 BC
Cyrus becomes King of Persians (557), Cyrus the Great rules Persia, Cyrus becomes king of Persians
557 BC
Reign of Cyrus the Great of Persia begins
554 BC
Lydian Empire taken by Cyrus the Great of Persia
553 BC
Zoroaster, founder of Parsee religion, dies , Cyrus the Great rules Persia
551 BC
K'ung Tzu (Confucius) born, possibly also time of Lao Zi, Birth of K'ung Tzy (Confucius) of China
550 BC
Cyrus of Persia takes control of Medes , Cyrus conquers the Medes, Egyptian influence on Greek art, Hallstatt culture spreads in Britain, Oaxaca center established at Monte Alban,
547 BC
Cyrus of Persia conquers Lydia
546 BC
Persians conquer Ionia, Death of Anaximander of Miletus the philosopher (taught that all life came from amphibians), Death of Croesus of Lydia,
545 BC
Death of Thales of Miletus the Greek philosopher
540 BC
Mahavira Vardhamana born (Jainism),Magadha becomes dominant kingdom in Indian subcontinent
539 BC
Cyrus the Great defeats Belshazzar and captures Babylon , Cyrus the Great Persian becomes emperor, Judah released from Babylonian captivity, under Persian rule as Cyrus captures Babylonian empire,
536 BC
Cyrus frees Jews in Babylon, Milo of Crotona becomes six-time champion of Olympics
535 BC
Death of Servius Tullius of Rome
530 BC
Cyrus the Great dies, son, Cambyses, rules Persia
529 BC
Cyrus killed in battle, Cambyses II his son rules, Cyrus the Great dies and son Cambyses comes to power
527 BC
Perirstratus the usurper of Athenian government dies
526 BC
Death of Amasis II of Egypt who opened Greek trade
525 BC
Egypt falls to the Persians (under Cambyses) - end of Pharoahs, Aeschylus Greek Playwrite born, Egypt falls to the Persians, Themistocles the Athenian statesman born
522 BC
Darius I rules Persia on death of Cambyses II
521 BC
Darius gains the Persian throne, Persians begin push into India , After Cambyses dies in Egypt, Darius I comes to power, Buddha preaches first sermon in city of Benares
520 BC
Persians gain foothold in India under Darius the Great, Darius campaigns against Scythians, Darius links Nile and Red Sea by a canal
519 BC
Xerxes of Persia born
518 BC
Conquest of Indus valley by Persians
515 BC
Height of Achemenid Persian empire, birth of Greek philosopher Parmenides
513 BC
Darius of Persia invades se Europe
512 BC
Darius and Persians conquer large area; Darius begins expedition
510 BC
Greek Political rebellion, Celts settle in Britain and France, sons of Peisistrattus overthrown in Greece, Cleisthenes introduces democratic reforms in Athens
509 BC
Etruscan king overthrown and semi-democracy reigns (senate) Roman Republic founded as last king expelled, democratic constitutions implemented in Athens, Roman republic founded, Brutus becomes one of chief consuls, Roman temple of Jupiter completed,
508 BC
Democratic reforms introduced to Greece by Cleisthenes
507 BC
Pythagoreas dies, Kleisthenes lays the basis for democracy in Athens
500 BC
Chaldeans (New Babylonians) conquered by Persians. Persians in power a thousand years, Jainism and Buddhism invade Hinduism, Classical age of Greece, End of pre-Socratic philosophers, End Etruscan rule of Rome, Roman republic begins, Carthage (Tunis) vies with Greeks for Sicily, Begin "Era of Warring States" in China, Celtic customs spread in Britain, Druids begin thousand year reign, Celts spread across France, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Britain, Celts have spread through France, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Britain, Pythagoras, Pindar write, State formation begins in Oaxaca valley, Bantu-speaking people expand in W Africa, black figure style vase painting in Athens, Greek historian Hecataeus writes regarding the Celts, Jin becomes leading Chinese state, Sun Tzu writes The Art of Warin China, Sabeana settle inEthiopia -later kingdom of Axum; Athens becomes free from tyrants, Roman dissatisfaction overthrows Etruscans, Semitic people from southern Arabia migrate to Eritrea and Ethiopia for trade, Darius I of Persia improves highway from Susa to Ephesus, Paracas culture flourishes in Peru, Adenas people in Ohio valley reach peak civilization, Sardinia captured by Greeks, Phoenicians and Carthaginians, Ionians revolt from Persia under Histiaeus and Aristagoras, Satyr play introduced in Athens, Ramayana � ancient Hindu poem created, erection of the Theseum in Athens, �Treasury of the Athenians� built at Delphi, Pindar begins to write odes, Indian surgeon Susrata performs cataract operations, Greek physician Alcmaeon discovers Eustachian tubes, hanno the Carthaginian travels the west coast of Africa

499 BC
Ionian Greeks revolt against Persians - start of Ionian War, length of lunar month discovered in Babylon
498 BC
Tarquin defeated and killed at Battle of Lake Regillus, Templpe of Saturn built at Rome
497 BC
Pythagoras of Greece dies
496 BC
Sophocles playwright born
495 BC
Pericles born in Greece, Anacreon the Greek poet dies
494 BC
End of Ionian Greek revolt, City of Persepolis founded by Darius is razed, Ionian war ends with capture of Miletus, Latin League fights against Etruscans - plebians win and elect tribunate, Vouni Palace erected in Cyprus
493 BC
Miltiades flees to Athens, Romans conquer Corioli, Dionysus Theater in Athens built
492 BC
Darius leads army into Thrace, Greece , Darius comes into conflict with Greece and demands earth and water from Greece as tribute
491 BC
Coriolanus banished from Rome
490 BC
Persians arrive at Bay of Marathon, are defeated - message was carried 26 miles on foot to Athens by Phidippedes - Marathon, Internal Greek struggles begin, Battle of Marathon; Persians land in Bay of Marathon, Athenians outnumbered, but Persians defeated - Message carried by Phidippedes who ran to Athens, Athenian Greeks defeat Persian attack at Battle of Marathon, woodworking increases along W coast of AK and CAN, Birth of Zeno of Elea the disciple of Parminides, Persian wars begin as Persian army is defeated by Greeks at Marathon
488 BC
Militiades disgraced
487 BC
Persians ready to re-attack Greece, but Darius dies. Son Xerxes becomes king, Darius dies while planning to conquer Greece, Xerxes reigns
486 BC
Darius I of Persia dies, Death of Hecataeus of Greece who wrote about India
485 BC
Xerxes I rules in Persia and defeats Babylon, Hypostyle hall of Xerxes erected at Persepolis, Gelo becomes tyrant of Syracuse, Cincinnatus becomes Roman dictator
484 BC
Playwright Aeschylos wins Athenian tragedy prize with first play, Temple of Castor and Pollux erected in Rome
483 BC
The Buddha dies (482), Death of Heraclitus the Greek philosopher, Aristides banished, Athenian sea power established,
482 BC
Death of the Buddha (480 and 483 also)
481 BC
End of the "Springs and Autumns" period of China, start of the "Warring States" period
480 BC
Xerxes of Persia crosses into Greece, is defeated ; Persians re-attack Greece, but Greece has gotten Spartan help - Athens was abandoned and burned by the Persians, storm hits destroying ships of Persians, some Indians fight with Persians, Greeks defeat Persians and Xerxes at Salamis, China breaks into warring states, Taruga, Nigeria becomes iron working center, Voyage of Carthaginian admiral Hanno along W African coast, Persian fleet of King Xerxes annihilated at Battle of Salmis, end of Chou Dynasty of China, Spartans defeated by Persians at Thermopylae, Athens burned and acropolis destrooyed by Xerxes, In Battle of Salamis Persians defeated by athenians, Carthaginians under Hamilcar Barca defeated by Gelo of Syracuse
479 BC
Greeks and Spartans hold off Persians, Death of Confucius, K'ung Ch'iu; March of Persians into Greece halted, Kung Fu-tse (Confucius) dies, Persians capture and destroy Babylon
478 BC
Greece re-fortifies, Delian league set up with Athens at lead, Sparta withdraws from Persian alliance; Themistocles expands Athens' navy then tries to unite Greece, Marble temple of Apollo at Delphi created, �Victorious Charioteer� bronze statue at Delphi created, Hiero the tyrant of Syracuse calls poets Aeschylus Pindar and Bacchylides to court, walls of Athens rebuilt, Delian league founded in opposition to Themistocles
477 BC
Vardhamana � Indian reformer dies, Begin Athenian ascendancy, death of 306 Roman Fabii in battle with Etruscans
475 BC
�Phoenissae� the Greek tragedy about the Persian wars created
472 BC
Aeschylus writes �The Persians� tragedy
471 BC
Aeschylus introduces second actors, protagonists and chorus into plays, Themistocles banished from Greece, Plebians in Rome choose own tribune
470 BC
Socrates born, Mahavira Vardhamma dies (Jainism)
468 BC
Sophocles introduces third actor into plays and wins contest over Aeschylus, death of Simonides of Keos the Greek poet
466 BC
Battle of Eurymedon Persian army and navy destroyed
465 BC
Aeschylus (playwrite) dies, Xerxes I dies by assassination - son Artazerzes rules, terrible earthquakes in Sparta, democracy in Syracuse
464 BC
Earthquake in Greece destroys Sparta and Laconia
462 BC
Pericles rules Greece,Democratic institutions completed in Athens, Soldiers and judges of Athens receive salaries, Cimon banished, Begin of rise of Pericles in Athens
461 BC
Perikles elected party head and govern Athens
460 BC
Zeus' temple at Olympia, Hippocrates born
459 BC
Peloponnesian War begins when Athens attacks Thebes, Death of Themistocles � Athenian statesman
458 BC
Aeschylus writes Agamemnon, Ezra goes to Jerusalem to restore Law of Moses, Aeschylus writes �Oresteia�, War between Athens and Corinth
457 BC
1st Peloponne4sian war between Athens and Sparta
456 BC
Death of Greek Dramatist Aeschylus, long walls from Athens to Piraeus finished
454 BC
End of Cimon banishment, Achaea joins Athenian alliance, Greeks in Egypt defeated by Megabyzus
451 BC
Three Roman senators go to Athens to study the laws of Solon
450 BC
Domestication of reindeer, Beginning of the La T�ne phase of Celtic ironworks, Law of twelve tables codifies Roman law, Celts first settle in Scotland, Alcibiades Greek politician and general dies, Tarentum the Greek trading city in Italy subdued by Rome, death of Greek poet Bacchylides, Mimes introduced into theater by Sophron of Suracuse, Roman laws codified into 12 Tables, Temple of Theseus built at Athens, Aspasia the mistress of Pericles rules Athenian society
449 BC
Pericles rebuilds Athens, begins work on Parthenon, Earlist creation of Roman laws drawn up, Persian wars end with Greek victory, Death of Cimon of Athens
448 BC
Peace of Kallias secures Ionian independence from Persia
447 BC
Parthenon started, Athens begins to establish military settlements in the Agean, Death of Pindar � Greek poet, Administration of Roman exchequer passes into the hands of quaestors, Revolt of Megabyzus the Persian satrap of Syria, Athenians defeated at Coronea by Boeotians
446 BC
End of 1st Peloponnesian War
445 BC
30 year truce begins between Athens and Sparta, Temple of Poseidon at Cape Sunium, Lex Canuleia permits intermarriage between patricians and plebeians in Rome
443 BC
Sophocles writes �Antigone�, Pericles elected general for 15 years
440 BC
Pericles of Athens takes Samos, Judean law prohibits intermarriage, Pericles founds the colony of Thurii in southern Italy with Herodotus as one of its citizens
439 BC
Bust of Pericles made by Cresilas, Plebian revolt in Rome Cincinnatus appointed dictator
438 BC
Concecration of Parthenon
437 BC
Plato dies, Amphipolis colonized by Athenians
436 BC
Death of Phidias the Greek sculptor
435 BC
Death of Xerxes of Pertsia
432 BC
Parthenon completed
433 BC
Acropolis rebuilt
431 BC
Second Peloponnesian War - this between Athens and Sparta , Peloponnesian War (Greece) starts, Great Peloponnesian war between Athens and Sparta, Euripides writes �Medea�, Temple of Apollo in Rome, Pericles delivers funeral oration
430 BC
Plagues hit Athens -?? probably smallpox, Plagues hit Athens � probably smallpox, death of Greek philosopher Empedocles
429 BC
End of China's Chou dynasty, Pericles dies (Greece), Sophocles writes Oedipus Rex, End of service of Perikles of Athens, Death of Pericles of Athens � Cleon and Nicias rule
428 BC
Anaxagoras dies
427 BC
Plato born era
425 BC
Greeks take 292 Spartans as prisoners
424 BC
Herodotus the �Father of History� dies, death of Artaxerxes of Persia, Thucydudes exiled from Athens, Xerxes II becomes king of Persia but is assassinated and is succeeded by Darius II
423 BC
End of plague in Athens, Aristophanes �The Clouds�
421 BC
End of Second Peloponnesian War, Cratinus � Greek comedian dies, Peace of Nicias between Athens and Sparta, Cratinus the Greek comedian dies, Aristophanes writes �The Peace�
420 BC
Death of Polyclitus the Greek sculptor, Epaminodas of Thebes dies
415 BC
Protagoras the Greek Philosopher dies, end of 30 year truce between Athens and Sparta, Athenians invade Sicily and besiege Syracuse, Alcibiades accused of sacrilege and goes over to Spartans, Aristophanes writes �The Trojan Women�
414 BC
Euripides Iphigenia in Tauris, Athenian army in Sicily destroyed, Aristophanes writes �The Birds�
413 BC
Athenian force captured, possibly of Sparta, Nicias the Athenian statesman and general dies, Athenian general Nicias executed
411 BC
Diogenes born, coup in Athens and power transferred to people, Alcibiates returns to Athens
408 BC
Athenians capture Byzantium
407 BC
Erechtheum completed on Acropolis at Athens, Rhodes (the town) built, Euripides writes �Iphigenia in Aulis�, Plato becomes pupil of Socrates
406 BC
Sophocles dies, Death of Greek dramatists Sophocles and Euripides, Athens reject Spartan peace offer
405 BC
Last Athenian fleet captured by Spartans, Darius II of Persia dies, Spartan navy under Lysander destroys Athenian navy � end of Peloponnesian war, Artaxerxes II reigns in Persia,
404 BC
Greek armies finally crushed and disarmed , Sparta crushes Athens, Peloponnesian War ends, End of Great Peloponnesian War, Alcibiades murdered in exile by orders of Sparta
403 BC
Athenian democracy restored and Thrasybulus expels 30 tyrants
401 BC
Xenophon writes
400 BC
End of late Zhou dynasty, era of warring states in China, Height of Greek civilization, Plague begins in Athens, Spread of Chavin art styles in Mesoamerica, Olmecs in steep decline, Celts settle in N Italy, Iron workings in E Africa, Gauls settle Po valley, Etruscan power declines, Parisii migrate to Britain, Breakup of China's Jin State, Iron working in E Africa highlands, Copper smeltering begins in Mauritania in W Sahara, farmers occupy Tiahuanaco near Lake Titicaca, Bolivia, Eruption of Popocatepetl volcano in Lake Texcoco MEX, Yellow River flood, Indus valley flood, Copper smeltering begins in Mauritania in W Sahara, farmers occupy Tiahuanaco near Lake Titicaca, Bolivia, Eruption of Popocatepetl volcano in Lake Texcoco MEX, Yellow River flood, Indus valley flood, retreat of Ten Thousand under Xenophon and Greek army withdrawn, Carthaginians occupy Malta, Etruscan bronze sculpture of Mars created

399 BC
Socrates dies by Hemlock poisoning
396 BC
Roman expansion begins - capture of Veil, Etruscan city of Veii captured by Romans, Carthaginians destroy Messina, Plato writes �Apologia� in defense of Socrates
395 BC
Coalition of Athens, Thebes, Corinth and Argos, Thucydides the Greek historian dies, Marcus Furius Camillus the Roman general and dictator dies
394 BC
Spartan general Agesilaus defeats allied troops at Coronea
390 BC
Wandering Cisalpine Gauls sack Rome, Brennus, Gaulish chief, sacks Rome, Brennus, Gaulish chief from N Italy, sacks Rome, death of Chinese philosopher Meh Tih
387 BC
Persia dictates Greek peace (King's Peace), Romans flee Rome due to invasion of Gauls, Persia dictates peace to Greeks, Rome attacked by Gauls, Romans desert Rome, Aristophanes dies, Plato writes �Symposium�, Rome rebuilt after Gallic invasion
384 BC
Aristotle born, Demosthenes born, M. Manlius Capitolinus thrown from the Tarpeian rock, Aristotle born
380 BC
Plato's Republic, City walls built around Rome, Start Egypt�s 30th Dynasty (last native house)
379 BC
Massacre of Spartan tyrants at Thebes by Pelopidas and Epaminondas
377 BC
Hippocrates dies, Hippocrates the Greek Physician dies, city walls around Rome built
373 BC
Greek earthquake
371 BC
General Mediterranean peace conference, Thebes defeats Sparta, Spartans defeated with Greek victory of Epaminodas, End of Peace of Nicias between Athens and Sparta, Xenophon writes �Anabasis� Thebans defeat Sparta at Battle of Leucrea
370 BC
Mencius, Confucian disciple born China
368 BC
Gaul invasion of Rome
366 BC
Temple of Concordia built in Rome, first plebian elected to office of consul in Rome
365 BC
Etruscan actors stage first theatrical performances in Rome,
364 BC
Nanda dynasty comes to power in Magadha
362 BC
Fall of Thebes to Sparta , Thebes falls in battle to Sparta, Epaminondas the Theban general killed in Battle of Mantinea
361 BC
Shang Yang of China turns Qin into militaristic state
359 BC
Philip becomes king of Macedonia , Philip becomes King of Macedon, Accession of Artaxerxes III in Persia
356 BC
Alexander I of Macedon (The Great) born, Herostratus sets fire to Temple of Artemis in Ephesus, Alexander the Great begins to conquer the known world, start construction of Great Wall of China against the Huns
354 BC
Xenophon the Greek historian dies
353 BC
As Greece declines, Macedonis increases - Philip II attacks Greece
352 BC
Philip II rules Macedon
351 BC
Tomb of Mausolus completed as the first mausoleum, Demosthenes delivers his first Philippic against Philip II of Macedon
350 BC
Axumite army invades Kush, Aristotle publishes, Qin dynasty dominates China, Maya cities and states in Mesoamerica, Quin becomes leading city-state in China, Crossbow invented, Phoenician cities Sidon, Tyre, Aradus and Byblus secede from Persia, Gauls leave S France and settle in N Italy, Etruscan power on the decline, revolt of Jews against Artaxerxes III in Persia, Indian epic poem Mahabharata written, Heraclides � disciple of Plato � teaches heliocentric model, Shuang-tse founds Chinese monist religious philosophy, Greek painter Pamphilus teaches unity of art and mathematics, Greek theater of Epidaurus built, Corinthian columns first appear in Greek architechture
348 BC
Gaul invasion of Rome, Trade agreement between Rome and Carthage, Philip of Macedon takes Olynthus, Aristotle travels to Assos, Lesbos and Pelia
347 BC
Death of Plato
343 BC
Samnite Warsbegin between Romans and other Italians, End of 30th House in Egypt � native rulers overthrown, first Samnite war begins, Persians reconquer Egypt, Ch�u Yuan the Chinese poet born, Aristotle becomes teacher of Alexander the Great
341 BC
Epicurus Born, End of first Samnite war
340 BC
Epicurus born, Scopas the Greek sculptor dies, Aristotle lays foundations of musical theory, difference between arteries and veins discovered by Praxagoras of Cos
339 BC
Plato�s nephew Speusippus commits suicide and Xenocrates becomes head of Athens Academy
338 BC
Athenians and Thebians conquer Philip of Macedon Greece conquered, Greek rebellion against Philip crushed, Rome incorporates Latin states, Rome begins incorporating Latin states, Philip defeats Greeks, Isocrates the Athenian orator dies, first Roman coins, Corinth becomes trading center
336 BC
Darius III becomes king of Persia - destroyed by Alexander (the Great), Alexander the Great begins campaigns as Philip of Macedon dies, Persian war about to begin when Philip stabbed by enemies, Darius (III) came to Persian throne, Alexander becomes king of Macedonia, Latin states unite around Rome, Alexander the Great begins conquests, Assassination of Philip II of Macedon, Alexander the Great begins conquests, Assassination of Arses of Persia - Darius III Codomannus reigns, Zeno of Citium the Greek stoic is born
335 BC
Alexander conquers Thebes, Aristotle founds school of philosophy in Athens, Alexander destroys Thebes, Aristotle returns to Athens, Choragic monument of Lysicrates of Athens built
334 BC
Battle of Granicus gives Alexander most of Persian empire, Treaty between Gaul and Rome , Battle of Granicus gives Alexander control of Persian empire, Romans and Gauls establish formal peace, Alexander invades Anatolia
333 BC
Alexander routs most of Persian army , Darius III defeated at battle of Issus by Alexander, Alexander conquers Darius III and conquers Persia
332 BC
Tyre and Jerusalem conquered by Alexander, End of old dynasties in Egypt, Alexander the Great conquers Egypt, Alexander founds Alexandria, Alexander the Great Conquers Egypt, Tyre and Jerusalem, Alexander founds Port of Alexandria
331 BC
Alexander faces Persian king Darius III and defeats him at battle of Gaugamela - goes on to sack Parsepolis, Alexander faces Darius III, Alexander re-defeats Darius III at Gaugamela
330 BC
Alexander the Great topples Persians, Judah semi-independent, Babylon falls, Praxiteles the Greek sculptor dies, Alexander occupies Babylon, Susa and Persepolis, Darius III of Persia murdered, Spartans under Agis defeated by Antipater of Macedon, Greek artists employed at court of Alexander, death of Praxiteles the Greek sculptor, Greek Pytheas of Massila (Marseilles) reaches Britain
329 BC
Alexander conquers Bactria and Sogdiana
328 BC
Alexander marries Bactrian princess Roxana
327 BC
Alexander invades India, Renewal of war between Rome and Samnites
326 BC
Alexander the Great invades India, abandons planned conquest, Alexander extends boundaries to Indus River, but Generals turn back
325 BC
End of Classical Greece, Pytheas of Massilia circumnavigates Britain, End of La Venta center of Olmec culture, End of La Venta center of Olmec culture, earliest Greek papyrus written in Greek that still exists, Alexander orders Admiral Nearchus to explore Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf
Chandragupta of India begins to reign
323 BC
Death of Alexander in Babylon, begin "Hellenistic Age" - Diadochi wars (for Alexander's empire) begin; Alexander dies of fever at age 33, End of conquests of Alexander the Great, Alexander the Great dies in Babylon, End of conquests of Alexander the Great, Ptolmey Soter starts new rule in Egypt, Euclid publishes �Elements� on Geometry
322 BC
Death of Aristotle, Demosthenes; Demosthenes dies in temple of Poseidon, Chandragupta founds Mauryan empire in India, Chandragupta founds Mauryan empire in India, death of Aristotle, Demosthenes commits suicide
321 BC
Alexander's empire breaks up, Chandragupta Maurya becomes king of Magadha - founds Mauryan empire, War among Alexander�s Successors
320 BC
End of India's Mauryan dynasty, Ptolmey Soter of Egypt invades Syria, Aristoxenus defines rhythym speech, melody and movement in music
319 BC
Polysperchon � Antipater�s successor � restores liberty to Greece, Chandragupta Maurya reconquers northern India from Macedonians and founds Mauryan dynasty
316 BC
Olympias � mother of Alexander the Great put to death by Cassander, son of Antipater, Cassander founds Salonika and rebuilds Thebes
314 BC
Seleucids of Syria rule Palestine
312 BC
Zeno the stoic arrives in Athens, Selucos captures Babylon and founds Selucid kingdom, Roman Censor Appius Claudius Caecus completes construction of Appian aqueduct and begins Appian way, Judea ruled by Antigonus I
311 BC
End of Greek civil wars � Macedonia goes to Cassander Thrace to Lysimachus, Egypt to Ptolemy SOter and Asia to Antigonus
310 BC
Alexander's son (born after Alexander's death) dies, kingdom begins division into three areas - Egypt=Ptolmey Asia=Seleucus and Macedonia=Antigonus Gonatas, Aristarchus of Samos - Astronomer - born in Greece, Alexander the Great's son killed, empire divided into three - Egypt of Ptolmey, Asia under Selucus and Europe under Antigonus Gonatas
307 BC
Democracy restored in Athens, Museum and library started at Alexandria under Ptolmey Soter, Demetrius Poliorcetes king of Macedon takes Athens from Cassander, Carthaginians defeat Agathocles and besiege Syracuse
306 BC
Epicurus creates school, Nike of Samothrace carved
305 BC
Chandragupta defeats Selucius, Chandragupta founds Mauryan empire in India, Ptolemy dynasties founded in Egypt, library at Alexandria, Egypt founded
304 BC
Seleucos cedes Indus valley to Chandragupta, Greek Ptolemaic dynasty established in Egypt, End of second war between Rome and Samnites
301 BC
Kingdomof Antifonos falls after the battle of Ipsus, Antigonus I killed at Battle of Kings at Ipsus � Palestine under Egyptian rule
300 BC
Roman elected offices opened to Plebians, Japan learn's China's silk secrets, Hellenic Civilization incorporated by Rome - "Hellenistic Age" Stoics in Greece, Romans begin conquering Italy, Anasazi Culture spreads into Utah's Canyons, Temple of the Sun in Mexico created, Rome comes in contact with Greeks, Ptolemy I founds museum of Alexandria, Turko- Mongol tribes become fully nomadic, farming begins in Japan, Manetho writes Egyptian history from Menes to Alexander, All Roman offices opened to plebians, Kushite kingdom expands, trades with Sudan, Yayoi civilization develops in Japan, Beginning of later Hopewell culture in N America, end of Chavin culture in Peru, beginning of Moche civilization in Peru, city of Tiotihuacan begins in Mexico, Rinthon of Tarentum founds Roman comedy, Roman plebeians admitted to priesthood, Aristoxenus the Greek philosopher and musician dies, Mexican temple Atetello at Teotihuacan built

298 BC
Chandragupta abdicates or dies in India, Bindusara (sone) becomes king, Chandragupta of India abdicates or dies, Third Samnite War bagins
295 BC
Rome conquers joint army of Etruscans and Gauls, Etruscans subject to Rome, Siege of Athens by Demetrius I, Euclid publishes �Optica�
293 BC
Romans defeat Samnites, Diocles of Carustus the Greek physician dies
290 BC
Samnites become subjects to Rome - ending Samnite wars and establishing Rome as dominant power, Mencius, Confucian disciple, dies, Meander the Greek comedian dies, End of third Samnite war, Death of Menander � master of Greek comedy
289 BC
Romans defeated by Senones a Gaulish tribe at Arretium
287 BC
Archimedes born - Greek, Romans adopt Hortesian Law that makes Assembly equal to the Senate, Full equality between patricians and plebians in Rome, Demetrius of Macedon deposed
286 BC
Library at Alexandria founded
285 BC
Ptolmey II rules jointly with his father, Ptolmey II rules jointly with his father as father abdicates
283 BC
Corsica captured by Romans
282 BC
Romans conquer Samnites, become enemies of Greece, War between Tarentum and Rome
281 BC
Second Punic War begins
280 BC
Southern Cities of Italy war with Rome, bring in King Pyrrhus of Epirus with elephants, Carthage becomes concerned about Pyrrhus gaining power and withdraws support, End of the Diadochi wars for control of Alexander's empire, Greek city states fight with Rome - Greek states enlist aid of King Pyrrhus of Epirus who sought peace with Carthage, Pyrrhus king of Epirus lands in Italy to aid Tarentum � defeats Romans at Heraclea
279 BC
Celts begin to invade Greece and Anatolia, Pyrrhus defeats Romans again
277 BC
Ch�u Yuan the Chinese poet dies
275 BC
Rome controls most of Italian peninsula as Pyrrhus withdraws, Romans defeat Pyrrhus at Beneventum in Italy, Antiochus I defeats Gauls, End of history of Babylon � Babylonians reestablished in Seleucia, Manetho high priest of Egypt writes history of Egypt in Greek, Completion of Colossus of Rhodes, completion of lighthouse at Pharos Alexandria
273 BC
Asoka, grandson of Chandragupta, takes India's throne, Asoka becomes king of India
272 BC
Romans take Tarentum, unifying the Italian Peninsula, End of 10 years of war between Rome and Tarentum � Rome reconquers most of Italy, Romans continue the Appian Way
271 BC
Epicurus dies
270 BC
Death of Epicurus, Euclid dies, time of Aristarchus of Samos
269 BC
King Ashoka of India reigns
268 BC
Reign of Ashoka as Buddhism spreads through the Mauryan empire, Athens taken by Antigonus II Gonatas, first appearance of Roman coin - denarius
266 BC
Calabria conquered by Romans
265 BC
Italian peninsula acknowledges supremacy of Rome , Italian Peninsula becomes subjected to Rome, Mauryan ruler Ashoka conquers Kalinga, Mauryan ruler Ashoka conquers Kalinga, Rome in contact with Greek medicine through prisoners of war
264 BC
Punic wars begin Roman expansion outside of Italy - Roman/Carthaginian rival in Sicily, Gladiator games first held, Rome fights Sicily, First Punic War begins between Rome and Carthage, first appearance of Roman gladiators in public combat
263 BC
Death of Philemon the Greek comedian
261 BC
End of first Punic War
260 BC
King Ashoka of India becomes Buddhist and sends Buddhist missionaries to region
256 BC
Qin od China deposes last Zhou king, Roman fleet defeats Carthaginians
255 BC
Start of Ch'in Dynasty of China, Kingdom of Parthia founded by Arsaces, Antigonus II Gonatus liberates Athens, Septuagint written
254 BC
Plautus, writer of Greek comedies, born
250 BC
Siberian Traps eruption, Arsaces I founds Parthian kingdom on edge of Perisa, Siberian Traps eruption, Arsaces I founds Parthian kingdom on edge of Perisa, Theocritus the Greek bucolic poet dies, unsuccessful siege by Romans, Invasion of Britain by La Tene, Roman comedian Platus born, Arcesilaus founds Second Academy of Athens, Asoka the Indian emperor erects 40 foot column inscribed with laws, parchment produced at Pergamum, first Roman prison � the Tullianum
249 BC
Ch'in dynasty in China, End of China's Chou Dynasty
247 BC
Hannibal born (Elephants to follow), Death of Ptolmey II Philadelphus, Ptolmey III rules Egypt
246 BC
Birth of Hannibal, Antiochus II Theos killed by wife and succeeded by son Seleucus II Callinicus
241 BC
Rome drives out Carthaginians ending first Punic War - with Roman naval victory off Lilybaeum, Rome takes Sicily, End of First Punic War where Rome defeats Carthage and takes Sicily, Agis IV of Sparta put to death for reforms
240 BC
Daoism founded with Dao De Jing publication, Comedies of Livius Andronicus first performed in Rome
239 BC
Halley's Comet first seen, Leap year introduced into Egyptian calendar
238 BC
Sardinia and Corsica become subject to the Roman Empire, Sardinia and Corsica become subject to the Roman Empire, Carthage begins conquest of Spain, Sardinia becomes part of Roman republic
237 BC
Carthaginian expansion occurs in Spain
236 BC
War between Sparta and Achaean League
233 BC
Death of Sun-tsi marks end of Chinese classical philosophy
232 BC
King Ashoka of India dies, ending the Mauryan dynasty, Asoka of India dies
230 BC
Death of Aristarchus of Stamos, Greek Philosopher, King Zheng of Qin unifies China, Egyptian temple of sun god Horus at Edfu, oil lamps introduced to Greece
228 BC
Carthago Nova (Cartagena) founded by Hasdrubal, First Roman ambassadors in Athens and Corinth
225 BC
Era of warring states ends in China, Romans conquer Cisalpine Gaul, Romans defeat Gauls at battle of Telamon, Earliest known Celtic coinage, Romans defeat Gauls at battle of Telamon, Quintus Gabius Pictor becomes first Roman historian, Gauls defeated near Telamon in Eturia
224 BC
Earthquake at Rhodes, Greece, Earthquake at Rhodes, Greece destroys Colossus
222 BC
Romans conquer Cisalpine Gaul, Rome conquers n. Italy including Mediolanum (Milan), Antigonus III Doson of Macedonia takes possession of Sparta
221 BC
China ruled by one leader, Qin dynasty of China begins with first emperor Shi Huangdi (Zheng), ends the Era of Warring States, First Great Wall built to keep out the Xiongnu, Zheng, king of Qin adopts title of Qin Shi Huangdi, first emperor of China, Zheng, king of Qin adopts title of Qin Shi Huangdi, first emperor of China, death of Ptolmey III of Egypt, unification of Chinese measures and weights, start of Ch�in dynasty in China, Cleomentes the king of Sparta flees to Egypt
220 BC
Creation of Flaminian Way between Rome and Rimini
219 BC
Second Punic War starts
218 BC
Hannibal crosses Alps and begins to ravage Italy, Second Punic war begins with fight over Spain, Carthaginian expansion in Spain, Second Punic War begins between Rome and Carthage, avalanches in Italian Alps, Second Punic War begins between Rome and Carthage, avalanches in Italian Alps, Hannibal crosses Alps and takes Turin
217 BC
Earthquake in Egypt, Earthquake in Egypt, Hannibal defeats Romans, Rome appoints Quintus Fabius Maximus as dictator
216 BC
Rome suffers defeat at Cannae by Hannibal, Roman army annihilated by Hannibal at battle of Cannae, Romans defeated with 50,000 killed, Philip V of Macedon makes pact with Hannibal
215 BC
Great Wall of China built, Death of Greek poet Apollonius of Rhodes, Great Wall of China built to keep out invaders, Roman armies enter Spain
214 BC
Great Wall of China unites under first emperor
212 BC
Archimedes dies - Greek, Shih Huang-di (Qin) dies in China, Romans besiege and take Syracuse in Sicily, mathematician Archimedes killed in siege, Romans besiege and take Syracuse in Sicily, mathematician Archimedes killed in siege, Archimedes the Greek mathematician dies, Romans sack Syracuse � Archimedes killed
211 BC
Hannibal reaches Rome, Roman armies in Spain defeated, Hannibal attack Rome
210 BC
First earthen wall of China finished
209 BC
Civil war in China - Qin dynasty overthrown, Antiochus III of Persia at peak of power, Chinese emperor Shi Huang-ti dies and Liu Pang becomes emperor
207 BC
Battle of Metaurus where Romans defeat relief army coming to aid Hannibal, Battle of Metaurus where Romans defeat relief army coming to aid Hannibal, Hanibal retires after defeat of brother Hasdrubal
206 BC
Qin dynasty ends, Han dynasty begins in China (Roman counterpart), Hans come to China, end Ch'in dynasty; End of Ch'in Dynasty of China, beginning of Han Dynasty, End of Ch�in dynasty in China
205 BC
Plautus presents �Miles gloriosus� comedy
203 BC
Hannibal finishes sacking Rome, defeated
202 BC
Battle of Zama - Rome beats Carthage and Hannibal, end of Chinese civil war, Hannibal defeated at Zama, Tunisia by Romans, Beginning of W Han dynasty in China, Hannibal defeated at Zama - end of Second Punic War, Tunisia by Romans, Beginning of W Han dynasty in China
201 BC
Rome crushes Carthagenians, End of second and final Punic War, Hannibal dies; End of Second Punic War wnds with defeat of Hannibal, Second Punic War between Rome and Carthage ends, Gnaeus Naevius the Roman author dies
200 BC
Philip V of Macedon given ultimatum, Celts found in Bulgaria and Greece, Phoenicia defeated, Romans end conquest of Italy, Mayan Heiroglyphs 200s Halley's Comet first seen, Founding of Teotihuac�n in Mexico, Nazca culture in coastal Peru, Polynesian settlement in Tahiti, fortified tribal centers develop in Celtic Europe, Greek influence seen in Roman art, Berber kingdoms emerge in N Africa, earliest occupation at Jenne-jeno Africa, Eruption and mudflow at Ranier WA, Beginning of early classic Mayan period, beginning of Nazca culture in Peru, Eruption and mudflow at Ranier WA, Beginning of early classic Mayan period, beginning of Nazca culture in Peru, Second Macedonian War begins � Attica ravaged, gears first used in water wheel for irrigation, Cato the Elder publishes �De agricultura�

198 BC
Antiochus III takes Palestine from Egypt
197 BC
Macedonia crushed by Roman legion, Rome conquers Macedonia, liberating Greece, Battle of Cynoscephalae in N Greece where Romans defeat Philip V of Macedon, Battle of Cynoscephalae in N Greece where Romans defeat Philip V of Macedon and end of Second Macedonian War, Eumenes II becomes king of Pergamos
196 BC
First triumphal arches built in Rome
195 BC
Hannibal flees to Antiochus III of Syria, Cato the Elder becomes consul of Rome
194 BC
Erastothenes the Greek scientist dies
192 BC
End of Roamn conquest of Gaul, Antiochus II and Hannibal land in Greece, War begins between Sparta and Rome
191 BC
Romans defeat Selucid King at Thermopylae, Antiochus III defeated by Romans at Thermopylae, Platus presents Latin comedy �Pseudolus�
190 BC
Roman victory in Asia Minor at Magnesia , Greco-Macedonian kingdom under Roman control
189 BC
Hannibal defeated by Rhodian fleet, insurrections in upper Egypt due to high taxes, Armenia independent from Seleucid rule
185 BC
Asoka's dynasty of India ends, Fall of Mauryan dynasty after Bactrians invade the Punjab, Scipio Africanus the Elder goes into voluntary exile
184 BC
Death of Plautus the Latin comedian
183 BC
Hannibal dies, Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus of Rome dies, Pisa and Parma in N Italy become Roman colonies
182 BC
Death of Hannibal by suicide
179 BC
First stone bridge in Rome � Pons Aemilius
175 BC
Antiochus Epiphanes rules Jews, Iron weapons and tools used widely in China; Antiochus Epiphanes (Selucid/Greek) rules Palestine
172 BC
War between Rome and Macedon with Rome defeated by Perseus
171 BC
Mithradates I becomes Parthian king, Mithradates I becomes Parthian king
170 BC
Hsiung-nu defeat the Yue Qi and dominate eastern steppes, Parthians begin to conquer the Selucid kingdom, Death of Rome�s Ennius �Father of Latin Literature�, Apollonius of Perga, Greek mathematician dies, earliest known paved streets in Rome
168 BC
Rome defeats Macedon in Battle of Pydna, End of war between Rome and Macedon � Perseus defeated by Romans � beginning of Roman world dominion, Battle of Pydna results in Macedonians sold as slaves in Rome
167 BC
Maccabean revolt against Selucians + Rome, Terence presents performance of �Andria�
164 BC
Death of Antiochus Ephiphanes of Palestine ; Antiochus dies
160 BC
Hipparchus of Nicaea invents Trigonometry
159 BC
End of reign of Eumenes II as king of Pergamum, Roman dramatist Terence dies, first water clock created in Rome
153 BC
Halley's Comet
150 BC
Delphic Hymn to Apollo, Metal coinage in use in Britain, much contact with mainland
149 BC
Third Punic War begins, Third Punic War begins with Carthage rebellion, Carthage razed, Death of Marcus Portius Cato the Elder � Roman politician, start of third Punic War, Hu Shin publishes Chinese dictionary
147 BC
Wu Ti begins to rule in China, Rome takes over Macedon and brings Greece under Roman law (146), Rome takes over Macedon and brings Greece under Roman law, Roman forces destroy Carthage, War between Sparta and Achaea, Greece comes under Roman rule
146 BC
End of Third Punic war, Rome conquers Greece, Carthage (Africa) defeated, Rome destroys Corinth; Rome captures and destroys Carthage, Destruction of Corinth, Carthage destroyed, End of third Punic War, Roman empire has seven provinces � Sicily, Sardinia + Corsica, the two Spains, Gallia, Transalpina, Africa and Macedonia
144 BC
Judas successor Jonathan Maccabee assassinated and Simon Macabaeus takes charge
142 BC
treaty of independence for the Jews under Maccabean rule , Maccabes procure freedom for Judah
141 BC
Sakas invade Parthian empire and N India
140 BC
Chinese emperor Wu Ti (Han) fought the Huns , Venus de Milo created, Venus de Milo sculpted, Crates of Mallus forms great globe of the world
135 BC
John Hyrcanus (Maccabes) head of Palenstine, Westward-driven Yue Qioverrunthe Bactrian kingdom, John Hyrcanus (Maccabe) rules Palestine, End of reign of Simon Maccabee in Judah
133 BC
Roman provinces created in Asia Minor when Pergamum set up, Tiberius Gracchus killed by mob of Roman Senators, Romans defeat Celtiberians at Numantia, Social conflicts in Rome; Tiberias Gracchus killed by senators for passing egalitarian law redistributing power and wealth, Asia Minor becomes eighth Roman province, Roman reformer Tiberius Gracchus murdered by order of Senate
130 BC
Gracchi Brothers elected Roman tribunes promoting public well being
129 BC
Death of Scipio the Younger, destroyer of Carthage
128 BC
Han of China launches campaigns to pacify the Xiongnu
123 BC
Gaius Gracchus elected tribune and instigated wide reforms, Carthage rebuilt
121 BC
Gallia Narbonensis becomes Roman province, Southern Gaul conquered and becomes province of Narbonensis (SE France), Southern Gaul conquered and becomes province of Narbonensis (SE France), Gaius Gracchus killed in riot and his senate reforms die
120 BC
Kanishka the Kushan rules India
117 BC
Han of China conquer Gansu corridor
115 BC
Chinese army crosses Lop Nor desert and occupies Tarim basin � imposes policies
113 BC
Ancient German tribe � the Cimbri � leave Jutland to reach Roman province of Noricum (Carinthia)
112 BC
War in Africa between Rome and Jugurtha king of Numidia, Rise of Pharisees and Sadducees in Palestine
107 BC
Gaius Marius reforms Roman Army
106 BC
German tribes cross into Roman territories, Cicero, Roman orator born, Germanic invaders enter Rome
105 BC
Death of John Hyrcanus (Maccabe) of Palestine, Paper manufactured in China, German people (the Cimbri) defeats Roman army under Quintus Caepio at Arausio, German people (the Cimbri) defeats Roman army under Quintus Caepio at Arausio, end of war between Rome and Numidia in Africa � defeated by Marius and Sulla, mathematician Heron founds first college of technology at Alexandria
103 BC
Cimbri and Teutones become allies and decide to invade Italy
102 BC
Gaius Marius defeats Teutones people at Aquae Sextiae, Gaius Marius defeats Teutones people at Aquae Sextiae
101 BC
China under Han dynasty conquers Van Lang, Gaius Marius defeats Cimbri (German) people, Gaius Marius defeats Cimbri (German) and Teutones peoples
100 BC
Rome conquers Egypt, Expands into Eastern Mediterranean, Hopewell Mound builder culture begins, Julius Caesar born, China develops use of paper, Ptolmey dies, State formation occurs in Celtic Gaul, Belgic migrants to Britain introduce coinage and the potter's wheel, Sima Qian writes history of China, Foundation of the Moche state in Peru, Beginning of camel nomadism in the Sahara as camels introduced, German invaders attack Rome, Tiotihuacan city dominates Mexico, Goods carried between China and Europe via silk road, Beginning of pioneer period of Hohokam culture in Arizona, emergence of Anasazi culture in SW US, Tiotihuacan city dominates Mexico, Goods carried between China and Europe via silk road, Beginning of pioneer period of Hohokam culture in Arizona, emergence of Anasazi culture in SW US, Marius becomes Roman consul for 6th time, Great Stupa erected in Sanchi India, first Chinese ships reach coast of India

91 BC
Roman Social War - Italian armies revolt
90 BC
Civil war in Rome � Sulla drives out Marius, Vitrucius publishes �De architectura�, Asclepiades the Greek physician practices nature healing in Rome
89 BC
Three wars against Mithradates VI of Pontus, Roman army led by Sulla gains control of Italy
88 BC
Uprisings against Roman rule in Athens
87 BC
Death of Emperor Wu Ti of China , Death of Wu Ti of China
86 BC
Sallust the Historian born, Death of Marius of Rome
83 BC
Sulla, Roman leader, dies
82 BC
Sulla defeats younger Marius and is declared dictator for life, Oldest existant theater erected in Pompeii, Alexander Poluhistor of Miletus writes a history of the Jews
79 BC
Sulla of Rome resigns dictatorship voluntarily, Lucullus imports cherry trees from Asia Minor to Rome
78 BC
Death of Sulla of Rome
77 BC
Halley's Comet
73 BC
Massive slave revolt in Italy led by Spartacus lasts for two years, Massive slave revolt in Italy led by Spartacus lasts for two years, Mithridates VI of Pontus renews war against Rome and is defeated by Lucullus
72 BC
The Suevi � German tribe � cross upper Whine and under King Ariocistus invade Gaul
71 BC
Spartacus leads slave revolt against Rome - ends with slaves defeated, End of Spartacus slave revolt in Italy � slaves defeated by Pompey and Crassus
70 BC
Poet Virgil is born
69 BC
Cleopatry reigns in Egypt , Cleopatra becomes queen of Egypt, Dynastic war in Palestine Hyrcanus II deposed and house of Antipater rules
68 BC
Crete captured by Romans
65 BC
Horace of Rome born
63 BC
Pompey besieged Jerusalem, reducing it to vassal state , Pompey seizes Jerusalem, Augustus Caesar born, Pompey conquers Jerusalem, Romans conquer Judah, capture Jerusalem , Defeated by Romans Mithridates VI commits suicide, Pompey enters Syria and finishes taking Palestine � becomes province of Syria, Roman shorthand invented by Marcus Tullius Tiro � former slave of Cicero
62 BC
Death of Roman politician Lucius Sergius Catilina, Florence founded
61 BC
Gaius Julius Caesar � nephew of Marius � wins first victories in Spain
60 BC
60s- First Triumvirate formed in Rome of Cassius, Pompeii and Caesar, Lucretius writes, First triumvirate of Cassius, Pompeii and Caesar formed, Lucretius publishes the Epicurean doctrine of the universe in poetic form, Roman colonies in Switzerland
59 BC
Caesar becomes sole Roman Consul, Julius Caesar becomes sole consul of Rome
58 BC
Caesar also named Proconsul of Gaul, Begins invading Gaul and Britain, Julius Caesar begins conquest of Gaul until 50 BC
57 BC
Traditional date for foundation of Korean state, Silla,
55 BC
Julius Caesar invades Britain, Julius Caesar first invades Britain, death of Roman poet Titus Lucretius Carus, Cicero publishes �De oratore�, northern Gaul conquered
54 BC
Julius Caesar's second invasion of Britain, Roman influences begins to increase, Catullus the Roman poet dies, Cicero publishes �De republica�, new Julian forum erected in Rome, Belgic tribal leader begins payments to Rome
53 BC
Death of Roman politician Marcus Licinus Crassus (Triumvirate)
52 BC
Pompey becomes consul in Rome
51 BC
Cleopatra on Egyptian throne, end of Caesar's conquest of Gaul, Caesar (or Cicero) publishes �De bello Gallico� regarding the Gallic War
50 BC
End of Helenistic Age, Crisis of late Roman republic, age of two triumvirates begins, Caesar in power conquers France, Caesar crosses Rubicon to fight Pompey, Gaul region becomes part of the Roman Empire, small independent kingdoms in non-Chinese parts of Korea, Julius Caesar finishes conquest of Gaul, Julius Caesar finishes conquest of Gaul, returns to Rome as rival of Pompey, Oboe created in Rome
49 BC
Roman civil war ensues as Caesar crosses Rubicon to retake from Pompey
48 BC
Caesar defeats Pompey in civil war, Pompey defeated by Caesar
47 BC
Julius Caesar proclaims "Veni Vidi Vici" when he defeats Pharnaces II, Herod becomes governor of Galilee, Pompey murdered in Egypt by order of Cleopatra, Library of Ptolemy I of Alexandra destroyed by fire, Caesar (or Cicero?) presents �De bello civili�
46 BC
Julian Calendar created, Caesar crushes African revolt, Caesar sole dictator; Caesar crushes African revolt, Death of Cato the Younger, Africa becomes Roman province and Caesar returns to Rome, adoption of Julian calendar with leap year
45 BC
New Year moved to January 1, End of Roman civil war, Julius Caesar emerges as emperor, End of Roman civil war, Julius Caesar emerges as emperor, adopts nephew Gaius Octavius as heir
44 BC
Julius Caesar assassinated, Marc Antony rules, Roman civil war follows, Julius Caesar dies Mar 15, Triumvirate rules Rome, Gaius Julius Caesar assassinated by Brutus and Cassius Longinus, Marc Antony forms triumvirate with Marcus Aemilius Lepidus and Gaius Octavius, Roman civil war follows
43 BC
Roman army invades Britain and rules until 410, Cicero dies, Ovid - Roman poet born, Roman army invades Britain and rules until 410, Roman politician and orator Cicero dies
42 BC
Second triumvirate defeats Brutus and Cassius , iberius Caesar born; Defeat of Brutus and Cassius of Rome, Marcus Junius Brutus � Cato�s Nephew and son-in-law dies � Brutus and Cassius commit suicide after capture by triumvirate
40 BC
Herod the Great born, Herod declared king of Judaea
38 BC
Marc Antony returns to Egypt, Laocoon marble sculpture created, Chinese octave subdivided into 60 notes
37 BC
Herod returns to Jerusalem to rebuild temple ; Herod the Edomite rules Jerusalem, Herod in power
35 BC
Sallust, Roman Historian dies, Death of Roman historian and author Sallust
34 BC
Dalmatia becomes Roman province
32 BC
Mark Antony and Octavian (Augustus) war
31 BC
Octavian defeats fleet of Anthony and Cleopatra; Antony defeated at Actium, Roman battle of Actium Roman, Antony and Cleopatra defeated by Octavian, Empire begins (Pax Romana) Cleopatra dies, earliest known calendar inscriptions in Mesoamerica, Octavius, Julius' nephew, ends civil wars at Battle of Actium, Octavius, Julius� nephew, ends civil wars at Battle of Actium � Antony and Cleopatra commit suicide � Egypt becomes Roman province
30 BC
Cleopatra dies, Egypt becomes Roman province, End of the Roman triumvirates, Virgil begins writing the Aeneid, Livy writes history of Rome, Death of Cleopatra, Egypt becomes Roman, Death of Cleopatra, Egypt becomes Roman, Octavius renamed Augustus and becomes first emperor, Pantheon at Rome started
27 BC
Octavius offers to relinquish all powers, but is given all powers, End of Roman republic, Pantheon in Rome created, Octavian (Augustus) rules Empire, Pax Romana begins, Vergil writes Aeneid Horace and Ovid write; Octavius offers to relinquish powers, but Senate insists and he is renamed Augustus, Octavius becomes first (official) emperor of Rome, Octavius becomes first (official) emperor of Rome and renames self Caesar Augustus
25 BC
Roman author Cornelius Nepos dies
23 BC
First recorded wrestling match in Japan
19 BC
Virgil of Rome dies
17 BC
Aenid published
9 BC
Roman army under Drusus and Tiberius penetrates Germania as far as the Elbe
8 BC
Horace of Rome dies, Death of Gaius Maecenas the Roman statesman, Death of Roman poet Horace
6 BC
Ovid writes The Metamorphoses
~4 BC
Death of Herod the Great, possible creation of the Kama Sutra, Death of Herod � control divided among sons, possible birth of Jesus after calendar adjustment
2 BC
Ovid presents �Ars Amatoria�
1 BC
Halley's Comet, Rampant farming through North America, Birth of Jesus Christ, Nomadic pastoralism reaches southern Africa, Agriculturalists in S Caribbean islands