Disease is the disruption or destruction of body systems due to an invading factor. Only human disease will be considered here. This list is not a complete list, but it's a start and a guide. If you have more interest in disease than I have answers, please notify me and I'll get you more information.

DiseaseCommon disease name
CauseBacteria or virus responsible
TypeV = Virus
B = Bacteria
F = Fungi
P = Protist
O = Other
U = Unknown
TransmissionCommon way(s) humans get disease
DescriptionBRIEF synopsis of the disease

DiseaseCause TypeTransmissionLink Description
AIDSHuman Immunodeficiency VirusVBody fluids*Destruction of immune system
BSESee Mad Cow Disease
Bubonic PlagueYersinia PestisBFlea bites*Infection, swelling.
Ebola Ebola Reston filovirusVBody fluids, contact*None, but closely related to the deadly ebolas. That's why it's here.
Ebola Sudan filovirusVBody fluids, contact.Massive bleeding, internal and external
Ebola Tai filovirusVBody fluids, contact*Mild ebola symptoms, extent unknown
Ebola Zaire filovirusVBody fluids, contact*Massive bleeding, internal and external
Mad Cow Diseasemost likely a prionOEating infected tissue*Destruction of brain tissue
MarburgMarburg filovirusVBody fluids*Closely related to ebola
MeaslesRubeola (Measles) ParamyxovirusVAirborne, droplets, fluids*Fever, red rash or spots on skin, cold-like symptoms
vCJDSee Mad Cow Disease