Energy Trace

Every action takes energy. This computer runs because of energy, and so do you. Every change, every step, requires energy. That shouldn't be a hard concept. But there's another one that makes it just a little bit more thought provoking. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. This means that the energy the computer is using and the energy you are using is merely being changed around a bit.
On earth, almost all energy comes from the sun. You can trace the onergy you use back to its original source, but it takes a little thought. Your computer is running on electricity. If you trace that back to a hydroelectric plant, and then to the water cycle which is powered by the sun, you've traced energy back to its source. By the way, the sun is powered by the fusion of atoms, which have been around since this whole thing got started.
Your assignment is to trace the energy of five events back to its source. This is tricky, because some of these have two or more traces to complete, for example, one for you and another for the other object. Think about where everything gets its energy and you'll be on the right track.
  • You accidentally step on a bug
  • You take a road trip to Denver
  • You light a match
  • Use an electric toothbrush
  • Turn on a radio to your favorite station