Sedimentary Rocks
Sandstone | Appearance: looks just like compressed sand. Grainy to the touch. Sandstone may have layers. | |
Limestone | Appearance: yellowy-grey-greenish. It will bubble (slightly) when contacted by acid. This is often made from shells and frequently has fossils. | |
Shale | Appearance: ordinary looking grey rock. Compacted from mud, some shales are rich with oil. Fossils frequent. | |
Geode | Hollow rocks, often with crystallized minerals inside. The outside hardened around water, and the minerals formed inside. Geodes can carry a variety of minerals. | |
Conglomerate | Appearance: looks like a bunch of rocks cemented together. | |
Organic Rocks (rocks from living things)
Coal | Appearance: glossy black, but not quite like glass. Coal breaks in chunks. Made from trapped plant matter. | |
Coral | Appearance: chalky, often with holes. Coral is calcium carbonate and is really the skeletons of sea animals. | |
Petrified wood | Appearance: in the shape of wood, but clearly is stone. Made when minerals replace the living tissues of trees. Usually happens under water. Also called permineralization. | |