Hi folks! If you found this page, you got it by clicking on one of the pictures I took. When I'm not neck-deep in science stuff, I have hobbies, and photography is one such hobby. I'm lousy at it, but I love it, therefore it's a perfect for me.
I hope you like my pictures. I took great care to find only the ones which weren't a complete waste of resources. As I have more time and means, I'll add to this list, but for now, what's there is there.
This collection began out of my frustration with trying to find suitable pictures on the internet. I wanted pictures of animals or other items of interest, and I didn't want to violate TOO MANY copywrite laws. I hunted for pictures for hours, only to find that the uncopywrited ones were lousy. I teamed up with a shoddy 35mm camera and a cheap scanner and started hunting on my own.
It is my opinion that the internet should be a free exchange of ideas. If you're just looking for pictures of animals, you're welcome to use these, alter these or warp the life out of them to your heart's content. Use them on your site. I don't mind at all. It would be nice for you to link to my site:
but it's not necessary. If you're a small business, go ahead as well. Heck, good luck to you! If you're publishing these via print (if you're making $$ from them), or are in a company large enough to have lawyers who use words like remuneration, please contact me before using my pictures. I'll probably give you the big nod of approval with no more than an acknowledgement of my photographic prowess, but it would be polite of you to ask.
Back to incoherent ramblings
So anyway, as I was saying, the internet should be a happy place where cyber-dogs and cyber-cats can play together in peace and harmony. If you'll allow me to slip into hippy mode... the bourgeoisie fascists keep trying to own ideas, and there are a whole lot of greed-mongers who want to put their name on everything so they can sue the pants off of anyone who touches their "stuff." I say the internet is like the mind... boundless possibilities, no political borders and a whole lot of potential. (Like the mind, it is also crowded with a lot of trash, but that's another subject. I digress.) My contribution to this global collective is a few photos and some snazzy info. I relinquish my right to be a jerk about the use of these ideas and images. I beg others to do likewise. Unselfishness leads to progress.
So, now that you're sick of hearing me rant, let's get to the part you'd most like to see: the pictures.