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Welcome to an exciting year of science! I am looking forward to getting to know you as we explore the changing world around us. This document will help you understand my expectations so that this year may be a success.
We will be closely following the Utah State Core for science. Opportunities for lab experiences and hands-on activities will be provided throughout the course. The focus of 8th grade science is change. We cover the same material but go into more depth than the Utah State Core. We will explore four arenas.
Earth Systems
We will also explore scientific reasoning and learn the skills to analyze the world.
Grading Scale
Each assignment will be given a point value. Generally, tests may constitute up to 40% of the grade for each term and the remainder comes from a combination of assignments and in-class activities. The work is very activity oriented and the majority of it will be done in-class. No "D " grades will be given in this class, as all students are expected to earn above 70%. The grading scale is as follows:
A 100% - 94%
B 86% - 84%
C 76% - 74%
A- 93% - 90%
B- 83% - 80%
C- 73 %-70%
B+ 89% - 87%
C+ 79% - 77%
F Below 70%
The most common citizenship grade I give is an S, meaning satisfactory. To achieve an honors level of citizenship, a student must be exceptionally well behaved. This includes following the rules, being on time every day, not speaking out of turn, and being on-task. They must demonstrate responsibility for their own education and the wellbeing of others, demonstrating respect to those trying to learn, the teacher, and him or herself. If a student demonstrates a lack of good classroom behavior, the citizenship grade will either be an N, meaning the student needs improvement, or in extreme cases, a U, signifying unsatisfactory. When I create citizenship grades, I attempt to look at the cumulative behavior over the term to assign the grade.
Late Work
Late work will be not be accepted. A student may receive one exemption from this rule each quarter. Generous time will be given for assignments. Several assignments, such as science fair, cannot be late whatsoever. If a student submits a work of low quality, the student must redo that assignment.
Attendance and Tardies
Attendance and tardies will be dealt with according to school policies. Your attendance affects your acquired knowledge and will affect your grade. For tardies and unexcused absences, the student will need to meet with me to determine whether missed points can be made up. Most of the work done in class cannot be easily replicated outside of school. Be in class whenever possible. Work from excused absences needs to be made up!
Homework will often consist of very short assignments that can be completed quickly. There will be one or two projects per term that involve a good deal of preparation. Adequate time will be given, so there is no excuse for late work. The student should be continually working on science fair until the project is completed. If a student misses class due to an excused absence, the student has 3 days in order to make up assignments for full credit.
Student materials
Students are required to have paper, a pen or pencil, and their planner daily. Students will not be issued a book for this course, but if one is needed to make up an assignment, it may be checked out at school. If a student is missing an assignment, it may be available in class. If not, it will always be available online. Nearly all assignments may be printed from my web site. The address is
We will be in the lab working with a variety of projects. As this is the first time many students have had substantial lab experience, they will be taught safety above all. Students may be asked to work with chemicals, various living organisms, be asked to construct projects, and other tasks. A safety contract is sent home on back of this disclosure document. Students will not be allowed in the lab without this. Students may lose lab privileges for safety violations. Students are responsible for keeping themselves under control and for protecting their classmates from accidents.
Group and Individual Projects
Some student projects are individual and some are group projects. Adequate notice will be given to the student well in advance of the due date. Each individual student is accountable for group projects. Students should be careful whom they select for their groups because the group grade pertains to all. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule, but students and parents should be aware that some of the points will come from group assignments.
Science Fair
Eight grade ALPS students are required to enter the science fair. It will take place in either late winter or early spring. Students should begin immediately to search for a topic. Detailed instructions will be sent. Students are not allowed to do this project with a group or partner. This will be worth many points during second term and a substantial amount of points during third term. Background research and new insights will be expected. Further information may be found at my web site.
Contact information
Please feel free to get in touch with me. I may be reached 1/2 hour before and after school via telephone at 412-2150. The best way to contact me is via e-mail. The address is at Midvale. I also have a web site specifically for this class. On the site there is more information, copies of important documents (such as this), calendars, updates and much more. This site is meant to be supplemental to the education provided. Please encourage your student to use it often, whether at home, at school or the public library. The web site is
Best wishes for a successful year!
Warm regards,
Debra Lowe
If you need more information, please contact me. Also, please fill out and sign the following paper.
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The science classroom and laboratory are safe places to participate in science activities if everyone is careful. You must assume responsibility for the safety of yourself and your neighbors. It is required that the following rules are always followed to protect everyone from accident or injury.
The science laboratory and classroom are to be used for serious work. To prevent accidents, there must be no "horseplay." Students must not wander around the room or disturb other students who are doing science activities. Students should also walk, not run, while in the science classroom and lab. These rules are in force all of the time as equiptment or supplies may be out.
Eating or drinking in the classroom and laboratory is not permitted except on the few occasions specifically directed by the teacher.
Do not touch any equiptment or materials until instructed to do so. Endangering other members of the class will result in referral to the administration and loss of lab priveleges.
Do not perform experiments that are unauthorized. Obtain permission first.
Study lab instructions before you begin an activity. If you are in doubt, ask your teacher before beginning.
Report any accident, injury or incorrect procedure to your teacher at once.
Know the location and proper use of these safety items:
fire extinguisher
eye wash
fire blanket
first aid kit
acid/base neutralizers
alternate exits
Whe the teacher requests that goggles be worn, they must be correctly positioned over the eyes and kept there until permission is given to remove them. You are responsible to clean your own goggles before putting them on. THere may be rare activities where the teacher will advise ahead that contact lenses should not be worn, or if worn, the goggle vents must be kept closed.
If clothing or hair catches fire, flames should be smothered with a towel, coat or fire blanket. NEVER RUN as this feeds oxygen to the flames. Remember to "Stop, Drop and Roll."
General rules include:
Allow heated materials to cool a few minutes before handling them.
Put broken glass and other solid waste in the garbage cans - NEVER in the sink.
Handle chemicals and other materials only as directed by the teacher. Never smell a chemical by inhaling directly above the container. Always wash your hands with soap and water after using chemicals or doing other lab activities.
After a class activity it is your responsibility to:
-Be sure water is turned off -Disconnect electrical equiptment by pulling on the plug (not the cord -Clean up your work area and return all materials to their proper places -Remain at your assigned station until you are dismissed by the teacher
Failure to follow lab rules will result in loss of lab time and other disciplinary actions.
Adapted from rules by Elsa Jensen
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