
289 - 280 B.C.


Family information unknown



Population: Between 190 and 230 million*
  • Deaths: Chinese philosopher Mencius - founder of Confucianism (289 BC)


  • Births: Archimedes (287 BC)
  • Carthage: Carthage becomes concerned about Pyrrhus gaining power and withdraws support (280 BC)
  • Egypt: Library at Alexandria founded (286 BC)
    Ptolemy II Philadelphus rules jointly with his father as father abdicates (285 BC)
    First lighthouse created in Alexandria - rises to 30 stories (285 BC)


  • India: Mauryan Empire of India expands throughout continent (280 BC)


  • General: Romans defeated by Senones - a gaulish tribe at Arretium (289 BC)
    Romans conquer Samnites and become enemies of Greece (282 BC)
    War between Tarentum and Rome (282 BC)
    Greek states fight with Rome - Greecen enlists aid of King Pyrrhus of Epirus wo seeks peace with Carthage (280 BC)
  • Greece: Demetrius of macedon deposed (287 BC)
    Colossus at Rhodes built (282 BC)
    End of Diadochi wars for control of Alexander's empire (280 BC)
    Start of Achaean league - a Hellenistic organization in the south of Greece (280 BC)
  • Italian States: Roman empire adopts Hortesian Law that makes Assembly equal to the Senate - full equality between patricians and plebians (287 BC)
    Corsica captured by Romans (283 BC)
    Start of wars during Rise of Rome (283 BC)
    Pyrrhus king of Peirus lands in Italy to aid Tarentum - defeats Romans at Heraclea (280 BC)
    Southern cities of Italy war with Rome - bring in King Pyrrhus of Epirus with elephants (280 BC)