The following pedigree includes the direct lines of ancestors for Lynn Thomas Lowe and Peggy LaNae Peterson Lowe. No attempt has been made to complete families within the pedigree, although decendants of this couple have been included. These two are referred to as generation #1, their parents as generation #2 and so forth. Subsequently, their children are generation #0 and grandchildren are generation #-1. As this was compiled by their daughter Debra, she is the only one listed directly in the pedigree on the following pages.

Reading Entries

Here is an explanation of the terms and symbols used within the pedigree:

11. Edith Estella Perry *
B. 9 Dec 1881
P. Springville, Utah, UT
M. 30 Mar 1904
P. ?Springville, Utah, UT
D. 9 Dec 1962
P. Payson, Utah, UT
F. John Sylvester Perry
M. Evalyn Maude Matson
C. Jesse Marlene Snow

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