Tradewinds 2



Story Mode: Starts a new game in Story Mode. Discover new ports and uncover new goods as you progress.

Free Trade Mode: Starts a new game in Free Trade Mode. You can travel anywhere in the Caribbean and trade any good available in the game. Tasks and Governors are not available in this mode.

Continue: Loads your most recently played game.

Load Game: Loads a previously saved game.

Options: Shows the Options menu.

Help: Launches these help pages.

Credits: Shows you the team that worked on Tradewinds 2.

Hide this Menu: Hide the menu and watch the lovely ships sail by.

Exit to Windows: Closes the game.


Music Volume: Sets the volume of the game's music.

Sound FX Volume: Sets the volume of the game's sound effects.

Switch to Full Screen/Windowed: Play in Full Screen or in Windowed mode.

Graphic Detail: Lower the graphic detail to improve performance.

Sailing Speed: Sets the desired sailing speed in map view.

Dialogue Speed: How fast character dialogues appear on the screen.

Tutorial: Choose to see the in-game tutorial screens.


During the game you can enter the in-game menu by pressing the Menu button on the left-hand side of the screen.

Resume: Return to the game.

Save Game: Save a game in one of the game slots.

Load Game: Load a previously saved game.

Options: Enter the Options menu (see above).

Quit to Main Menu: Quit the game and return to the Main Menu.