GETTING STARTEDOn the Main Menu, select "Options" to change default settings such as Full Screen mode and Music volume. Back on the Main Menu, select "Story Mode" or "Free Trade Mode", then select a character to begin playing! CHARACTERSYou can play any of the six characters in Tradewinds 2. If you only see four, keep playing the other characters to unlock LaRoche, the pirate legend of the Caribbean, or create your own character from scratch. The characters you can select in the beginning of the game are as follows:
Create a Character: Create your own character using a combination of Name, Gender, Race, and Class. Customize your character to create your own adventure. THE PORT CITIESYou may sail to any city on the map simply by clicking on it. You may set sail from any port by clicking on the "Set Sail" button on the right side of the port interface. If the "Set Sail" button is disabled, check your ship as it may be too overburdened to leave port. There are twenty port cities that you can visit in the game, ten for every time you play. Certain ports may not be discovered in the beginning of the game, and these are designated with a question mark. You can sail to any of the available ports, and locked ports are discovered after you complete a certain number of tasks for a governor in Story Mode. Each city has a distinct cultural identity, and a visually unique set of buildings where you can trade, manage your fleet, accept tasks, and handle all other aspects of running your businesses. You can only sail to ports that are discovered, i.e., not marked with a question mark. THE PORT INTERFACE
THE PORT BUILDINGSYou have the opportunity to visit the buildings in the port town in order to manage your fortunes, your men and your ship. There are twenty port towns. There are six kinds of buildings, and anywhere from three to all six of these buildings may appear in any town. They are: The Marketplace: Every town has a marketplace where you can buy and sell goods. The goods are fish, cotton, timber, cocoa, sugar, arms, textiles, wine, tobacco, and gems. Not all goods are available to you from the very start. The Moneylender: The town's moneylender will loan you cash in amounts up to twice your current net worth. But your debts will accrue interest at the steep rate of 10% per month! Pay him back as quickly as possible.
The Alehouse: The alehouse is a great place to meet up with traders like you. You might hear rumors of market opportunities or helpful tips on how to play the game, meet up with people that can help you with your assigned tasks, or gain the respect and admiration of others. The Shipyard: Shipyards are where you can repair your ships, buy and sell cannons, and buy new ammunition such as chain shot and firepot. From time to time there will be a new ship for sale, so you can trade in your old one. The Bank: The bank is the safest place to put your money. Deposit your money in the bank and watch it accrue 10% interest per year. Banks do not get robbed, but you only have access to all of your funds when you are in the same town as your bank. YOUR SHIPYou amass wealth through trade, and trade means sea travel. The amount you can carry and your ability to protect it depends on how you manage your ship. You can buy, sell, repair and upgrade your ship in town. A ship is a balance of firepower and cargo space. You can fill up your ship with cannons, but each cannon occupies space that could otherwise be used for storing five crates of cargo. There are seven types of ships in Tradewinds 2: Sloops, Schooners, Brigantines, Barques, Galleons, Frigates, and Man'o'wars. Each ship has a unique combination of cargo space and hull strength. SEA AND PORT COMBATWhen at sea, you are at the mercy of nature, and of hostile ships and ports. And while you can't do anything about passing storms, you can do something about hostile ships and ports. When encountering a hostile ship, you will see their fleet above you. If you encounter a hostile port, you will see its fortresses above you as well. If you came unprepared and can't outrun the ships, you're in trouble. Remember, the wise trader strikes a balance between cargo and firepower. Combat unfolds in real-time, so click on an enemy ship or fortress to begin combat and then click to select another ship to commence firing there. You can also attempt to flee whenever you want. On the left you will see your available cannons. Each cannon will fire automatically after it reloads. Click on each enemy ship individually to commence firing on that ship. If you have special ammunition, you may click on the special ammunition icon to arm your cannons with that weapon.
You can try to run at any time by clicking on the Flee button if you're outgunned or just plain chicken. But be careful, just because you try to run does not mean that your attempt will be a successful one. GAME CONTROLSThe game is controlled primarily with the mouse. But when trading in ports, you can use your keyboard to enter amounts to buy and sell. SCORINGYour score is equal to your Net Worth which is calculated as follows: |