SUPPORTQ. Tradewinds 2 runs very slow on my computer. What can I do? In the Options menu, try setting Graphic Detail to Low. This should help in most cases. You can also try setting your computer's screen resolution to at least 1024x768. Finally, you can also try running the game in Full Screen mode which can be selected in the game's Options menu. Q. Tradewinds 2 has problems on my computer when I press Alt+Tab to minimize the game. What can I do? If the game doesn’t minimize properly using Alt+Tab, change the game from Full Screen to Windowed mode by pressing F or by changing it in the Options menu. You should be able to safely minimize the game then. Q. I want to play Tradewinds 2 in Windowed mode but the option is greyed out. What can I do? Make sure your screen resolution is set to at least 1024x768. You can check this under Start, Settings, Control Panel, Display, Settings. If your resolution is set lower than 1024x768, you cannot use Windowed mode. |